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Une nouvelle politique de voisinage

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Subido el 5 de julio de 2007 por EducaMadrid

675 visualizaciones

Au sommet de l'UE des 17 et 18 juin, ¹ Bruxelles, le Conseil europÌen a approuvÌ la nouvelle politique de voisinage - une politique qui donnera des directives quant ¹ la faÊon dont l'UE fonctionne avec ses voisins de l'est et du sud, ¹ la suite de l'Ìlergissement significatif et rÌussi de l'union en mai. Ce VNR donne les caractÌristiques des voisins de l'UE, l'Ukraine ¹ l'est et le Maroc au sud. Il Ìtudie ce que c'est d'avoir l'EU comme voisin, et ce que la politique de voisinage signifie pour ces pays. Dans ce nouveau film, nous avons ÌtÌ ¹ la frontiËre Pologne-Ukraine pour voir ce qui s'est produit concernant le trafic local depuis que la Pologne a adhÌrÌ ¹ l'UE et aux dÌfis faisant face aux personnes ukrainiennes dans des rÌgions de frontiËre. In this news release we visit a Polish-Ukraine border crossing to see what has happened for local traffic since Poland joined the Union and the challenges facing Ukrainian people in border regions. Have the long queues remained? Is the new Europe hurting local cross-border trading? The VNR visits a womenÐs project in Sambir, Ukraine, designed to promote local business near the Polish border. The report also features the Ukrainian Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs who comments on relations with the EU. In Morocco, EuropeÐs closest southern neighbour, the VNR highlights how the EU and Morocco promote progressive shared values such as the equality of women. The report features Fatima Demnati, one of 450 women involved in an EU- supported enterprise project. Interest-free loans have been provided to buy tools, seeds or livestock Ù an investment that is making a real difference for this mother of ten. The importance of the agriculture sector in the EU-Moroccan relationship is featured with the potential for increased trade through the development of a new port at the Straits of Gibraltar. The European Neighbourhood Policy is open to all neighbouring countries that undertake political, legal and economic reforms reflecting EU standards. The neighbourhood policy does not offer membership of the EU. It offers a range of incentives, enhanced co-operation and a stake for partner countries in the EUÐs Internal Market.

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L'Union Européenne
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Reconocimiento - No comercial - Sin obra derivada
5 de julio de 2007 - 10:38
Enlace Relacionado:
Commission Européenne
09′ 42″
Relación de aspecto:
4:3 Hasta 2009 fue el estándar utilizado en la televisión PAL; muchas pantallas de ordenador y televisores usan este estándar, erróneamente llamado cuadrado, cuando en la realidad es rectangular o wide.
320x240 píxeles
47.66 MBytes

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EducaMadrid, Plataforma Educativa de la Comunidad de Madrid

Plataforma Educativa EducaMadrid