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Ancient Underground Waters: Sian Ka’an: UNESCO Culture Sector

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Subido el 1 de junio de 2007 por EducaMadrid

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Ancient Underground Waters: Sian Ka’an

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NHK World Heritage 100 Series - UNESCO
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Reconocimiento - No comercial - Sin obra derivada
1 de junio de 2007 - 8:52
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Sian Ka’an is a natural reserve stretching across the Yucatan peninsula, in Mexico. It covers an area of approximately 5300 square kilometres, and encompases tropical forests and a barrier reef facing the Caribbean Sea.

The Ancient Mayan Civilization flourished in these forests. There is a pyramid amid the forests of Sian Ka’an. According to the ancient Maya legend, only the ever stretching sky and sea existed at the beginning of time. All was quiet. Out of water God created the land, creatures and man. Sian Ka’an means ‘Where the Sky begins’.

The Mayan people believed God lived in a place deep in the jungle. This is a Cenote, a waterhole reflecting the sky above like a mirror. It is worshipped as a sacred place and valued as a precious water resource. People would make sacrifices to the cenote and pray for rain during periods of drought. The waters beneath were worshipped.

The transparency of the cenote’s waters reaches 50 metres. A mystical world made of countless stalactites greets the eye about 300 metres ahead. This place - at one time - was the sea bed. The shell fossils indicate its past. Rain eroded the porous limestone layers and formed the stalactite caves. As the ice-age came to an end, the underground water level together with the sea level rose, and the stalactite caves were submerged beneath the water.

The cenote is connected to another cenote. Still further ahead, the water becomes murky. Seawater is flowing in. The cave eventually connects to the Caribbean.

The springs of Sian Ka’an connect the forests and the sea.. It’s spectacular World Heritage where the Gods once lived ...

02′ 50″
Relación de aspecto:
4:3 Hasta 2009 fue el estándar utilizado en la televisión PAL; muchas pantallas de ordenador y televisores usan este estándar, erróneamente llamado cuadrado, cuando en la realidad es rectangular o wide.
480x360 píxeles
17.08 MBytes

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EducaMadrid, Plataforma Educativa de la Comunidad de Madrid

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