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Multilingualism: Access to new opportunities

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Subido el 17 de julio de 2007 por EducaMadrid

833 visualizaciones

With 20 official languages, not counting regional or minority languages, the European Union leads the way in matters of multilingualism. Primary and secondary school remains the first place for learning foreign languages. But multilingualism also concerns adults, whatever their age or socio-professional status. This policy is a priority of the Barroso Commission. It is already a daily reality within the European institutions. Description of the video: Kaja is a teacher of French and Italian in Ljublana. She teaches these two languages to blind and partially-sighted students using auditory techniques. In the same city, Barbara is a teaching assistant for mentally-disabled students who are leaning English through play-based methods. These study groups are part of the ALLEGRO project, financed by the European Commission. At the nursery school of Anzio, near Rome, children from 3 to 5 years of age learn English from a very early age. Finally, in Brussels, multilingualism is a daily practice of the European institutions. Meeting with an interpreter. Interviews: - Kaja Petre Drasler, teacher of French and Italian - Barbara Hegedus, teaching assistant and youth worker in Slovenia - Darijan Novak , national coordinator of ALLEGRO in Slovenia - Jàn Figel’, Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Multilingualism - Prof. Traute Taescher, Faculty of Psychology, University of La Sapienza - Ian Andersen, Interpreter

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The European Union
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17 de julio de 2007 - 11:49
Enlace Relacionado:
European Commission
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488x336 píxeles
30.92 MBytes

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EducaMadrid, Plataforma Educativa de la Comunidad de Madrid

Plataforma Educativa EducaMadrid