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Tom Brady trades in footballs for laptops

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Subido el 21 de mayo de 2009 por Educamadrid P.

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New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady stopped by the West End House Boys & Girls Club in Allston, Massachusetts today to donate 1,000 computers. This is part of the One Laptop per Child program that benefits children from 31 countries and Boys & Girls Clubs across New England.

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One Laptop per Child Initiative
Subido por:
Educamadrid P.
Reconocimiento - No comercial - Sin obra derivada
21 de mayo de 2009 - 10:23
Enlace Relacionado:
One Laptop per Child Foundation
Descripción ampliada:
New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady stopped by the West End House Boys & Girls Club in Allston, Massachusetts today to donate 1,000 computers. This is part of the One Laptop per Child program that benefits children from 31 countries and Boys & Girls Clubs across New England.

Brady appeared alongside One Laptop per Child Chairman Nicholas Negroponte.

Three-time Super Bowl winning Brady donated 1,000 "XO Laptops," which will be distributed to schoolchildren.

Brady said he has a sister who has been in Africa for the past five months, working in a Ugandan classroom -- where the students are reaping the benefits of this laptop program.

While sitting down with some schoolchildren, Brady spoke with his sister in Uganda via laptop while at the West End House today.
06′ 43″
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425x344 píxeles
14.47 MBytes

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