STTP - Fighting for the rights of Vulnerable People Lesson Plan
This project will be implemented with a group of 1º Bach students studying the Advanced Curriculum. The idea is to make them become familiar with the declaration of human rights and to make them realize how we can all work together to defend the rights of the most vulnerable people. This project will be linked to the analysis of the play “An Inspector Calls” by J.B Priestley
- Autor/es:
- Ana Isabel Enrech Verde
- Subido por:
- Ana Isabel E.
- Licencia:
- Reconocimiento - No comercial - Sin obra derivada
- Visualizaciones:
- 1535
- Fecha:
- 10 de diciembre de 2017 - 20:30
- Visibilidad:
- Público
- Centro:
- Tamaño:
- 69.77 KBytes