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Developing intelligent fabrics

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Subido el 6 de agosto de 2007 por EducaMadrid

578 visualizaciones

Researchers are hard at work developing textiles with optimal functionality : tights that apply moisturizers, garments that absorb odours and regulate perspiration, fabrics capable of protecting themselves from spots. Tomorrow's clothing will be intelligent and functional. Cosmetotextiles have already reached the market. A video report illustrating the research being carried out to develop intelligent textiles is available to television stations, at no cost and royalty-free. It was filmed in specialised research centres: in Belgium, near Liege, the Centexbel laboratory is studying electronic applications for the textiles of the future and the reaction of fibres to nanoparticles. The French Textile and Clothing Institute (IFTH) is working on controls of new materials to test their resistance to fire, water and tearing. The report includes interviews with: Christine Hubner, Schoeller Textiles Martine Degueldre, Centexbel Jean Léonard, Centexbel Yvette Rogister, Centexbel Jacques Maguin, IFTH Christophe Angelloz, IFTH

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The European Union
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Reconocimiento - No comercial - Sin obra derivada
6 de agosto de 2007 - 7:34
Enlace Relacionado:
European Commission
07′ 47″
Relación de aspecto:
4:3 Hasta 2009 fue el estándar utilizado en la televisión PAL; muchas pantallas de ordenador y televisores usan este estándar, erróneamente llamado cuadrado, cuando en la realidad es rectangular o wide.
448x336 píxeles
39.54 MBytes

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EducaMadrid, Plataforma Educativa de la Comunidad de Madrid

Plataforma Educativa EducaMadrid