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The City of Prophecy: Fatehpur Sikri: UNESCO Culture Sector

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Subido el 1 de junio de 2007 por Educamadrid P.

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NHK World Heritage 100 Series - UNESCO
Subido por:
Educamadrid P.
Reconocimiento - No comercial - Sin obra derivada
1 de junio de 2007 - 8:52
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"The remains of Fatehpur Sikri, a former capital built by the Mughal Emperor Akbar in the 16th Century, can be found in a rural part of Northern India. There are sadly few traces of the original townscape however it used to be a sizable city in those days. This square was used by visiting merchants to rest their horses and elephants. There is also a watchtower overlooking the square. Numerous carved stone decorations resembling elephant tusks jut out from the tower wall. The tusks symbolize the power of the Emperor who possessed armies of elephants.

Emperor Akbar had many concubines but none produced an heir. The Emperor was most concerned and visited a Muslim saint who told him that he would have a son. Akbar was blessed with a son as predicted the following year. The Emperor was delighted and decided to build a new capital here. Only the mosque and the palace area remain intact today. In the large courtyard stands a mausoleum. This is the mausoleum of Shaikh Salim Chisti, the saint who predicted the birth of the prince. It became a holy place and was visited by women from all over India wishing to have children. All the buildings in the palace area are made of red sandstone. This is the audience hall where ministers saw the Emperor. Inside this two storey hall are open aisles extending and intersecting at the top of a strong pillar in the centre. The Emperor used to walk up through corridors to reach the throne placed on top of the pillar. He looked down on the people he gave audience to. Akbar had absolute authority but also used other methods to govern his country.

The Muslim Emperor sought reconciliation with Indian tradition. The buildings in the palace area show such integration. Panch Mahal is a five-storey pavilion without any walls. Composed only with pillars and beams, this seemingly wooden building is actually made entirely with red sandstone. There are no Islamic arches or domes. The Emperor selected traditional Indian designs instead. This is the palace for the Emperor’s wives. He deliberately sought marriage with Hindu and Pagan brides to strengthen his empire. Regional governors under his control willingly sent their daughters to the palace. The number of women here was said to be 5,000 at one point. Under Akbar’s rule, Islam and Hindu culture coexisted in harmony and created a new culture.

The prince born under a prophecy was a symbol of such Mughal culture. But Emperor Akbar suddenly abandoned the city. The exact reason remains unknown: his beautiful capital lay abandoned only about 15 years after its creation."

03′ 03″
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4:3 Hasta 2009 fue el estándar utilizado en la televisión PAL; muchas pantallas de ordenador y televisores usan este estándar, erróneamente llamado cuadrado, cuando en la realidad es rectangular o wide.
480x360 píxeles
18.17 MBytes

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