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Laura G.

Laura G. está actualmente en: IES CIFP a Distancia Ignacio Ellacuría

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Título Tipo de contenido Fecha Acciones
Third and mixed contidionals Vídeo23-01-2025
Zero, first and second conditinal Vídeo23-01-2025
Have/Get something done Vídeo22-01-2025
Comparatives and Superlatives Vídeo22-01-2025
Types of adverbs Vídeo18-12-2024
Second conditional Vídeo18-12-2024
First conditional Vídeo17-12-2024
Modal Perfect Vídeo17-12-2024
Modal verbs part 3 Vídeo17-12-2024
Modal verbs part 2 Vídeo17-12-2024
Modal verbs part 1 Vídeo17-12-2024
Can vs Could Vídeo12-12-2024
Future Simple Vídeo11-12-2024
Tips for studying from home Vídeo04-12-2024
Formal vs Informal language Vídeo26-11-2024
Resumé vs Cv vitae Vídeo26-11-2024
Tips for studying from home Vídeo14-11-2024
Present perfect vs Past simple Vídeo14-11-2024
Stative Verbs Vídeo14-11-2024
Present Simple vs Continuous Vídeo14-11-2024
-ED VS -ING ADJ Vídeo14-11-2024
Describe yourself professionally Vídeo14-11-2024
Imperative Form Vídeo14-11-2024
Future Continuous vs Perfect Vídeo14-11-2024
Future Simple Vídeo14-11-2024
Present Perfect Simple vs Continuous Vídeo14-11-2024
Used to vs Would Vídeo14-11-2024
Subject/Object Questions Vídeo12-11-2024
Past simple vs Continuous Vídeo12-11-2024

EducaMadrid, Plataforma Educativa de la Comunidad de Madrid

Plataforma Educativa EducaMadrid