STIMULI and RESPONSES | Types | Interaction - Primary Education Grade 5-6 | Elementary | Kids | Vídeo | NaN07-10-2024 07-10-2024 | |
La EVOLUCIÓN del TRANSPORTE TERRESTRE | Historia de los automóviles | De la rueda a los coches | Vídeo | NaN09-05-2024 09-05-2024 | |
EVOLUTION of TERRESTRIAL TRANSPORTATION | History of Land Vehicles | Automobiles | Cars | Vídeo | NaN09-05-2024 09-05-2024 | |
Las FUNCIONES de los NUTRIENTES de la comida - Educación Primaria 5-6 Grado | Happy Learning Style | Vídeo | NaN11-01-2024 11-01-2024 | |
The ROLES of the Different NUTRIENTS of FOOD - Primary Education Grade 5-6 | Happy Learning Style | Vídeo | NaN11-01-2024 11-01-2024 | |
Sistema de gestión de aprendizaje | Vídeo | NaN09-08-2023 09-08-2023 | |
Creación de contenidos digitales | Vídeo | NaN09-08-2023 09-08-2023 | |
FORMAS DE ENERGÍA ⚡ (SUBTITULADO) - Educación Primaria Grado 5-6 | Termodinámica | Happy learning para niños | Vídeo | NaN26-07-2023 26-07-2023 | |
FORMS OF ENERGY ⚡ - Primary Education Grade 5-6 | Different types | Elementary | Happy learning | Vídeo | NaN10-04-2023 10-04-2023 | |
Presentación "Coordinadores TIC: Herramientas y procesos" | Vídeo | NaN21-11-2022 21-11-2022 | |
QUIZ: ¿Qué MÚSCULOS se están ejercitando? | Entrenamiento | Gimnasio | Aparato locomotor | 5-6 grado | Vídeo | NaN24-10-2022 24-10-2022 | |
QUIZ: What MUSCLES are being TRAINED? | Vídeo | NaN24-10-2022 24-10-2022 | |
NS6. U2. Listening Exercise 11 | Audio | NaN01-12-2021 01-12-2021 | |
NS6. U1. Listening Exercise 9 | Audio | NaN02-11-2021 02-11-2021 | |
Presentación "Coordinación TIC: Lidera el plan digital de tu centro" | Vídeo | NaN21-10-2021 21-10-2021 | |
Uses of electric generators - Listening - Natural Science Grade 6 Primary | Audio | NaN31-05-2021 31-05-2021 | |
Mando de dos botones y juego PONG con Arduino | Vídeo | NaN26-05-2021 26-05-2021 | |
Semáforo con Arduino | Vídeo | NaN26-05-2021 26-05-2021 | |
SS6. U6. Listening Exercise 4 | Audio | NaN17-05-2021 17-05-2021 | |
LIGHT and OPAQUE materials | How to create SHADOWS | - Scratch Educational Project 3.0 Tutorial | Vídeo | NaN06-05-2021 06-05-2021 | |
NS6. U6. Listening Exercise 1 | Audio | NaN27-04-2021 27-04-2021 | |
DIVISIÓN de PODERES en España: PODER LEGISLATIVO, EJECUTIVO y JUDICIAL - 6º Grado Primaria | Vídeo | NaN09-04-2021 09-04-2021 | |
SEPARATION of POWERS in Spain: LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE and JUDICIAL POWER - Primary Grade 6 | Vídeo | NaN07-04-2021 07-04-2021 | |
CONDUCCIÓN, CONVECCIÓN y RADIACIÓN - Transferencia de calor - 5º Primaria - Ciencias Naturales | Vídeo | NaN24-03-2021 24-03-2021 | |
CONDUCTION, CONVECTION and RADIATION - Heat Transfer - Primary 5 - Natural Science | Vídeo | NaN24-03-2021 24-03-2021 | |
NS6. U5. Listening Exercise 5 | Audio | NaN05-03-2021 05-03-2021 | |
NS6. U5. Methods of separation Listening | Audio | NaN04-03-2021 04-03-2021 | |
NS6. U4. Listening Exercise 5 | Audio | NaN04-03-2021 04-03-2021 | |
METHODS for SEPARATING MIXTURES - Primary 6 - Natural Science | Vídeo | NaN02-03-2021 02-03-2021 | |
SS6. U3. Goya's Black Paintings | Audio | NaN28-01-2021 28-01-2021 | |
NS6. U3. Listening Exercise 6 | Audio | NaN13-01-2021 13-01-2021 | |
MONERA, PROTISTA and FUNGI kingdoms - Natural Science - Primary 5 | Vídeo | NaN10-11-2020 10-11-2020 | |
Presentación del curso "Coordinación TIC: Lidera el plan digital de tu centro" | Vídeo | NaN05-10-2020 05-10-2020 | |
SS6. U5. Listening Exercise 6 | Audio | NaN10-04-2020 10-04-2020 | |
SS6. U5. Listening Exercise 4 | Audio | NaN10-04-2020 10-04-2020 | |
Raíces - Cuaderno | Vídeo | NaN28-02-2020 28-02-2020 | |
SS6. U4. Listening Exercise 5 | Audio | NaN13-02-2020 13-02-2020 | |
SS6. U4. Listening Exercise 4 | Audio | NaN13-02-2020 13-02-2020 | |
SS6. U4. Listening Exercise 1 | Audio | NaN13-02-2020 13-02-2020 | |
SS6. U3. Listening Exercise 6 | Audio | NaN15-01-2020 15-01-2020 | |
SS6. U3. Listening Exercise 1 | Audio | NaN15-01-2020 15-01-2020 | |
Stop Motion on Paper 2019 - 6A. | Vídeo | NaN13-12-2019 13-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - The Thief | Vídeo | NaN13-12-2019 13-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - The Greatest Battle | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - The Robbery | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - Penalty Shootout | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - Helicopters | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - A Dangerous Race | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - A Cruel War | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - Family Dinner | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
6C - The World Race | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - Police Chase | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - Headless Race | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - Hit and Run | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - A Trip to the USA | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - A Trip in Time | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion on Paper 2019 - 6B | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion on Paper 2019 - 6A | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion on Paper 2019 - 6B | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion on Paper 2019 - 6C | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - Tragedy | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - The Last Movie | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - Swimming Pool Accident | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - Our Camping Holiday | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - A Day at the Farm | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2019 - A Cat Breaks a Leg | Vídeo | NaN12-12-2019 12-12-2019 | |
Aparcando mBot mediante mBlock | Vídeo | NaN03-11-2019 03-11-2019 | |
Years of war and dictatorship - Social Science 6 - Contemporary Times (XX century) | Vídeo | NaN15-05-2019 15-05-2019 | |
Conchita - Un Beso Redondo (Videoclip del CEIP Infanta Leonor) | Vídeo | NaN10-04-2019 10-04-2019 | |
Stop Motion on Paper 6C | Vídeo | NaN08-01-2019 08-01-2019 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - Construction Destruction_ | Vídeo | NaN21-12-2018 21-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion on Paper - 6AB | Vídeo | NaN20-12-2018 20-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - The Desert Dream_ | Vídeo | NaN19-12-2018 19-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - The Accident | Vídeo | NaN18-12-2018 18-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - The Incredible Persecution | Vídeo | NaN18-12-2018 18-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - Joker's Love Issues | Vídeo | NaN18-12-2018 18-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - Untitled | Vídeo | NaN18-12-2018 18-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - Spiderman Rescuing a Cat | Vídeo | NaN18-12-2018 18-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - Death Under Water | Vídeo | NaN18-12-2018 18-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - The Illegal Race | Vídeo | NaN18-12-2018 18-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - The Abuser | Vídeo | NaN18-12-2018 18-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - Sunday Tennis | Vídeo | NaN18-12-2018 18-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - Lego Fight | Vídeo | NaN18-12-2018 18-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - Trip to the Future | Vídeo | NaN18-12-2018 18-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - The Race of Dead | Vídeo | NaN18-12-2018 18-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - The Fire in the Tree | Vídeo | NaN18-12-2018 18-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - The Boy's Girlfriends | Vídeo | NaN18-12-2018 18-12-2018 | |
Stop Motion 2018 - A Fire in the City | Vídeo | NaN18-12-2018 18-12-2018 | |
Crea tu portfolio, blog o web en EducaMadrid - Efecto de apertura del contenido de un portlet a través de un clic en otro distinto. | Vídeo | NaN23-11-2018 23-11-2018 | |
Stop Motion - Batman | Vídeo | NaN05-10-2018 05-10-2018 | |