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Problem Solving - The Wright Math - Contenido educativo

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Subido el 28 de mayo de 2007 por EducaMadrid

381 visualizaciones

NASA Connect Video containing five segments as described below. NASA Connect segment featuring the website of the U.S. Centennial Flight Commission. The website consists of activities for students and teachers as well as links on astronautics and aeronautics. NASA Connect segment exploring the first flying machines including their design and development. The host demonstrates the flight simulator of the original glider. NASA Connect segment involving students in an activity investigating kites and their impact on the early stages of flight. The activity uses math concepts such as geometric shapes, aspect ratios, and area. NASA Connect segment exploring who the Wright Brothers were and how they designed and flew the first airplane. The video also explains the steps of the Engineering Method and how the Wright brothers used these stages in their process. NASA Connect segment explaining NASA's involvement in transforming the future of aircraft. The segment also looks at how biology is used in aircraft design, the relationship between pressure and force, and how computer simulators help with design.

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NASA LaRC Office of Education
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Reconocimiento - No comercial - Sin obra derivada
28 de mayo de 2007 - 16:53
Enlace Relacionado:
NASAs center for distance learning
28′ 35″
Relación de aspecto:
4:3 Hasta 2009 fue el estándar utilizado en la televisión PAL; muchas pantallas de ordenador y televisores usan este estándar, erróneamente llamado cuadrado, cuando en la realidad es rectangular o wide.
480x360 píxeles
171.19 MBytes

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EducaMadrid, Plataforma Educativa de la Comunidad de Madrid

Plataforma Educativa EducaMadrid