Spain in the 19th century (6thA)
Spain in the 19th century (6thB)
BiciHostos is back!
2nd & 3rd terms video 5thB 2023-2024
2nd & 3rd terms _ 5thA 2023-2024
Living paintings 2024 _ 5th grade
Modern Age: 18th century (5thB 23/24)
Elephants explain stone age model
Lions explain stone age model
Giraffes explain stone age model
Modern Age: 18th century (5thA 23/24)
I want to break free (5thA 23-24)
I want to break free (5thB 23-24)
Modern Age: 16th century (5thA 23/24)
Modern Age: 17th century (5thA 23/24)
Modern Age: 17th century (5thB 23/24)
Modern Age: 16th century (5thB 23/24)
3B Martín, Alejandro, Gia, Iris, Luca
acrosport 3B Lope, Carla, Eylül, Óscar, Annie
acrosport 3B Carmen, Iván, Diego, María, Carlotta
Acrosport 3B Ale, Alejandro, Ahinara, Julia, Daniel
acrosport 3A Vero, Elena, Luis, Erik Gallego, Alejandro
Acrosport 3A Iris, Valeria, Álex, Darío, Luismi
acrosport 3A Julia, Marina, Leire, Erik, Diego