EducaMadrid vídeos
Justice Pénale - Detention preventive
Criminal Justice - Pre-trial detention
Eu in the US - A long standing partnership
Protecting the tree of life
Electricité et gaz: Vous avez le choix!
Europe tous risques (ECHO)
Reaching out to lend a hand (ECHO)
For a smoke-free Europe
Brazil - A new era (long version)
"EbS - Europe by Satellite"
Capturing Carbon - A new front in the fight against climate change
Emissions trading - putting a price on carbon
CITES: protecting endangered species
Europe's children learn to fight climate change (short version)
EuropeAid - Environmental protection in developing countries
Transformer nos déchets en ressources
For a smoke-free Europe
Pour une Europe sans tabac
Justice Pénale - Communication des preuves
Sécurité routière: l'affaire de tous
Road safety: Everybody's business
EU in the US - a long standing partnership
Europe leads the fight against climate change
Making Europe's consumers safer