Víctor D. vídeos
Natural Sciences - page 36
English - page 49
English - page 44
Social Sciences - page 4
Present simple vs Present Continuous
How can we keep our nervous system healthy?
What are Spain's coasts and islands like?
Media aritmética - Tema 15
Área de un triángulo
Área del cuadrado y del rectángulo.
Base y altura de paralelogramos.
Base y altura de triángulos.
Going to - questions
Future: going to
La lectura nos abre las puertas del mundo que te atrevas a imaginar
5th grade: Project (Unit 5).
6th grade: Project about Ireland
6th grade: Listening activity: Page 54 (Pupil's book)
6th grade: VLOG UNIT 5: Pupil's book page 55
Vlog UNIT 5: Pupil's book page 57
Past Simple: interrogative sentences.
Modal verb: might
Modal verbs: should and shouldn't